
Book in the 21st century (2020)

Start date: 11. 2. 2020

End date: 13. 2. 2020

Location: Slezská univerzita v Opave

Events / Conferences

44. seminar of librarians of museums and galleries

Start date: 22. 9. 2020

End date: 24. 9. 2020

Location: Tábor

Events / Conferences

Archives, libraries and museums in the digital world 2020

Start date: 2. 12. 2020

End date: 3. 12. 2020

Location: National Archives

Events / Conferences

Bibliotheca academica 2020

Start date: 3. 11. 2020

End date: 4. 11. 2020

Location: Technical university in Liberec

Events / Conferences

86th IFLA General Conference and Assembly – CANCELED

Start date: 15. 8. 2020

End date: 21. 8. 2020

Location: Dublin / Ireland

Events / Conferences

ARL seminar MOVED, REPLACEMENT TIME 13. – 14. 5. 2021

Start date: 6. 5. 2020

End date: 7. 5. 2020

Location: Holíč/Hodonín

Events / Conferences

INFOS 2020 – MOVED, REPLACEMENT TIME IS 26. – 28. 4. 2021

Start date: 11. 5. 2020

End date: 13. 5. 2020

Location: Nový Smokovec

Events / Conferences

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Effective document management of cultural institutions

Start date: 6. 11. 2019

End date: 26. 11. 2019

Location: 6. 11. 2019 Brno, KJM and 26. 11. 2019 Praha, NA

Events / Conferences

Since we have recently worked very closely with the organizing organizations and participated in the integration of the information system and KIS, we have become partners of this event and there will be two presentations of our colleagues: practical experience from L. Piškula and KIS the institution will be narrated by N. Andrejčíková.

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20th Conference of Archives, Libraries, Museums in the Digital World 2019

Start date: 3. 12. 2019

End date: 4. 12. 2019

Location: Prague

Events / Conferences

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12th annual seminar of the Union Catalog of the Czech Republic

Date: 22. 11. 2019

Location: Prague

Events / Conferences



Events / conferences

There are no upcoming events.